Sunday, June 5, 2011

Zits happen

Somedays you just wake up with a giant zit in the middle of your forehead. You're not sure how it got there and any attempts to try and hide it would be futile, unless you're willing to do something as drastic as cut yourself some bangs. But eventually the zit would go away and then you'd be stuck with some very crooked bangs that you never really wanted in the first place. And bangs take a long time to grow out. So instead you let your dashingly handsome husband take you out for your favorite Thai food then whisk you away to a rooftop concert where you can swing and sway under a gorgeous summer sky. Then you come home and let him hold you all weekend long and after a while you no longer care about the giant zit about to erupt in the middle of your forehead.

1 comment:

  1. OH no you didn't. YOU CUT YOURSELF SOME BANGS? Great. I'm really jealous of the rooftop concert you went to!
